

2009年11月 Vol. 90

ERINA REPORT Vol. 90 [1.68MB]

Special Series: The Global Financial Crisis and the Northeast Asian Economy (Part 1)

Special Feature: Developments in the Economy of Jilin Province and in the Development of the Tumen River Area (2)

2009年9月 Vol. 89

ERINA REPORT Vol. 89 [3.44MB]

特集 北東アジア物流の今
Special Feature: Northeast Asian Distribution Today

2009年7月 Vol. 88

ERINA REPORT Vol. 88 [2.3MB]

特集 吉林省経済と図們江地域発展の進展
Special Feature: Developments in the Economy of Jilin Province and in the Development of the Tumen River Area

2009年5月 Vol. 87

ERINA REPORT Vol. 87 [2.18MB]

特集 2009北東アジア経済発展国際会議(NICE)イン新潟
Special Feature: 2009 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development (NICE) in Niigata

2009年3月 Vol. 86

ERINA REPORT Vol. 86 [1.13MB]

  • 所長就任にあたって
    On the Occasion of Assuming the Position of Director-General
    ERINA所長 西村可明
    NISHIMURA, Yoshiaki, Director-General, ERINA

特集 日露エネルギー・環境対話in新潟
Special Feature: Japan-Russia Energy and Environment Dialogue in Niigata

2009年1月 Vol. 85

ERINA REPORT Vol. 85 [1.12MB]

