
陳 柏宇
チン ボウユ Chen Boyu



国際地域学部/University of Niigata Prefecture, Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development


Department of International Studies and Regional Development




Ph.D. in Political Science. (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)


年月 職歴
1998年6月 国立台湾大学日本語学科卒業
2001年6月 国立政治大学大学院外交研究科 修士
2011年6月 国立中山大学大学院政治学研究科 博士
2011年10月 チュービンゲン大学(ドイツ)短期ポスドック研究員
2011年12月 国立中山大学ポスドック研究員(2014年7月まで)
2009年8月 国立高雄大学非常勤講師(2016年1月まで)
2013年8月 国立中山大学大学院政治学研究科助教 (2016年1月まで)
2016年4月 新潟県立大学国際地域学部・国際地域学研究科講師
2019年4月 新潟県立大学国際地域学部・国際地域学研究科准教授











「東アジアにおける『帝国』の構造とサバルタン・ステイト―韓国と台湾を中心に」、荒木和華子、福本圭介編著、 『帝国のヴェール:人種・ジェンダー・ポストコロニアリズムから解く世界』、明石書店、 2021。

「紛争解決における仏教の方法論 : 中台関係を事例に」、野世英水・加藤斗規編、『近代東アジアと日本文化』、銀河書籍、2021

Hartleb, F., Tsutsumi, H, and Chen, B. (2021). "Digital parties as personalistic-authoritarian business firm models. Is Japan following European trends?" In O.Barberà, , G. Sandri,  P. Correa, and  J. Rodríguez-Teruel eds.,Digital PartiesDigital Parties: The Challenges of Online Organisation and Participation, Springer. 

Uekami, T, Park, J. and Chen, B. (2020). "External Voting without Political Parties Abroad? Comparing Japan, South Korea and Taiwan."   In Kernalegenn, T., & van Haute, E. (Eds.).  Political Parties Abroad: A New Arena for Party Politics. Routledge.

Chen, Boyu. (2018). "When Elections Become Social Movements: Emerging ‘Citizen-Initiated’ Campaigning in Taiwan," in Shoko Kiyohara, Kazuhiro Maeshima, Diana Owen eds, Internet Election Campaigns in the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,  Palgrave Macmillan, 165-188.   

L.H.M. Ling and Boyu Chen. (2018). “IR and the Rise of Asia: A New Moral Imagination for World Politics?” in Andreas Gofas, Inana Hamati-Ataya, Nicholas Onuf (eds), The Sage Handbook of History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations  (London: Sage Publications).

Chen, Boyu (2017)."Sovereignty or Identity? The Significance of the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Dispute for Taiwan," in Bilgin, P., & Ling, L. H. M. (Eds.). Asia in International Relations: Unlearning Imperial Power Relations. Routledge

Yau, Cody Wai-kwok  & Boyu Chen. (2016) "Taiwan’s China Policy under Rising Taiwanese Identity: Retrospective and Prospects," in Karalekas,Dean and Moldicz, Csaba (Eds.). Miracles Do Happen: Taiwan's Economic Development, Budapest Business School. 

Liao, Dachi, Boyu Chen and Michael J. Jensen eds. (Nov, 2015) Technology and Political Behavior: Voting Advice Applications in East Asia. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. 



Chen, B., & Chen, C. C. (2021). Rethinking China–Taiwan relations as a yin–yang imbalance: political healing by Taiwanese Buddhist organisations. Third World Quarterly, 1-18. Forthcoming. 

Chen, B. (2020). "Decolonizing Japan-Korea Relations: Hegemony, the Cold War and the Subaltern State," Asian Perspective, 44 (2), 233-253

Liao, D., Wu, H, and Chen, B. (2020). "Social Movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong: The Logic of Communitive Action."  Asian Survey 60(2),  265-289.

Da-chi Liao, Frank C.S. Liu and Boyu Chen. (2018)."Taiwanese Nationalism in the Age of Cross-Strait Integration: Predominance and Pragmatism" (in Chinese),  Review of Social Science, 12(1),63-107.

Chen, Boyu. (2017). Book Review: NF Batto, C. Huang, TC Tan, and GW Cox, Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan and Beyond, University of Michigan Press, 2016. Japanese Journal of Political Science18(1), 237-239.

Chen, Boyu and San Yih Hwang (2015, Aug). Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Taiwan’s Netizens’ Sentiments Toward Japan and China. East Asia, 32(4), 385-399.

Chen, Boyu (2014). "Sovereignty or Identity? The Significance of the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Dispute for Taiwan,“. Perceptions, XIX (1): 107-119.

Tan, Alexander and Boyu Chen. (2013, Dec). China's Competing and Co-opting Nationalisms: Implications to Sino-Japanese Relations. Pacific Focus, 28 (3): 365–383. 

Liao, Da-Chi, Boyu Chen, and Chi-chen Huang (2013). The Decline of “Chinese Identity” in Taiwan?!—An Analysis of Survey Data from 1992 to 2012. EastAsia, 30(4) : 273-290. 

Ling, L.H.M. Ching-Chane, Hwang, and Chen, Boyu (2010, Jan). Subaltern Straits: “Exit,” “Voice,” and “Loyalty” in US-China-Taiwan Relations. International Relationsof Asia-Pacific, 10(1): 33-59.

Chen, Boyu, Hwang, Ching-Chane,and Ling, L.H.M (2009, May). Lust/Caution in IR: Democratizing World Politics . Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37(3): 739-62.

陳柏宇(2014年06月)。〈書評:Digital Media and Political Engagement Worldwide: A Comparative Study〔數位媒體與政治參與—一個跨 國比較分析〕by Eva Anduiza,Michael Jensen and Laia Jorba, eds.(Cambridge University Press, 2012,Paperback, 287 pp. ISBN 978-107-66849-2〉,《臺灣民 主季刊》,第11卷,第2期,頁171-77。。臺灣民主季刊,11(2),171-77。

廖達琪, 李承訓,陳柏宇(2013年05月)。選舉制度與立法者競選政見及立法表現: 臺灣立法院第六屆及第七屆區域立委之比較。選舉研究, 20(1), 73-119

陳柏宇(2011年06月)。作為「文明橋樑」的日本:探索「非西方國際關係理 論」的一個途徑。《國際關係學報》,第31期,頁113-149。


Hidenori, Tsutsumi and Boyu Chen (2017). Democratic Innovations or Utopian Ideas? The Cases of Cyber Parties in Japan. ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Nottingham, Apr. 25-30, 2017.

Chen, Boyu (2017). Buddhism in International Relations: Catalyst for Peace or Violence? WISC conference, Taipei, Mar. 30-Apr.3, 2017.

Kiyohara, Shoko and Boyu Chen (2016).Internet Campaigning in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative Institutional Approach. American Political Science Association Political Communication Preconference, Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 2016.

Chen, Boyu and Shoko Kiyohara (2015) Comparative Study of Internet Campaigning Norms in Taiwan and Japan.  Annual Meeting of Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Jan, 15-17.

Chen, B., Liao, D. C., Hsin-Che Wu, & Hwan, S. Y. (2014). The Logic of Communitive Action: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement. Paper for the American Political Science Association 2014 Annual Meeting.

Chen, B., Liao, D. C., Hsin-Che Wu, & Hwang, S. Y. (2013). Dispatch Troops Without a Just Cause: Fish Islands Dispute and Taiwan's Netizens' Sentiments Toward Japan and China. Paper for the American Political Science Association 2013 Annual Meeting. Available at SSRN 2316805.








